We believe that education is an important pathway out of poverty and that high-quality early childhood education, family engagement and early social-emotional learning provide the foundation for school success.


Early Learning Focus helps schools address these issues through its Seamless Transitions Program, its family-based LETS Read Literacy Program, the SELF school-based, social/emotional learning program and the Early Learning Focus Resource and Training Center.

In order to do their job, giving children the tools to be successful in society and participating members of the democracy in which they live, schools need to partner with families, childcare centers and the community as a whole.  We believe in a birth to Grade Three seamless system of education that is created through a partnership between schools and families, childcare facilities and the community in which the school is located.

ELF focuses on helping schools offer developmentally appropriate education through the Seamless Transitions Program and the ELF Resource and Training Center. LETS Read promotes literacy and family engagement. SELF is our SEL program for Pre-K – Grade Two.

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