In order to do their job, giving children the tools to become both successful in society and participating members of the democracy in which they live, schools need to partner with families, childcare centers and the community as a whole. We believe in a birth-to-Grade Three seamless system of education that is created through a partnership among schools, families, childcare facilities and the community in which the school is located.

We believe that there must be a seamless system of early childhood education for under-served children and their families. The health and well-being of the community depends in large part on the educational opportunities available to its children – opportunities that come from families, family childcare providers, childcare centers and schools. Interacting with the community and its resources is also important for growth and education of children.

We believe that high quality, easily accessible child care is key to school success, especially for children in underserved communities. Over the years, we have worked with many new Orleans childcare centers to offer developmentally appropriate programming and help create diverse delivery partnerships with schools through Seamless Transitions.

We believe that family childcare providers, as well as “kith and kin,” play a very important role in the lives of many young children. Not only do they provide care and education to children, they are trusted parenting guides to children’s families in American communities.

We believe that families are children’s first teachers. Children’s first classroom is their home. Positive early experiences are critical to a child’s healthy development. Families need to be valued partners with caregivers and teachers, helping children to be successful in school and in life. Early Learning Focus addresses these issues through our LETS Read Literacy Program and LETS parent workshops.

Who We Are
For over 30 years, the principals in Early Learning Focus have worked to bring developmentally appropriate training and materials to children’s “first teachers” (families, caregivers and early childhood educators) in order to give low-income/underserved children the social/emotional and cognitive tools necessary to succeed in school and beyond.
What We Do
We bring social/emotional learning and literacy programs to New Orleans’ vulnerable young children and their families and we promote community partnerships to help children succeed in school and life.

Remote Learning Buddies
Remote Learning Buddies ( is a free, virtual volunteer tutoring and mentoring program developed by Tulane University students. Early Learning Focus is working to expand its reach into the New Orleans community, both in terms of recruiting volunteers and matching them with children. Especially during this time, when their educations and social-emotional development have been significantly interrupted, New Orleans students from Kindergarten through high school really need academic help and, often, the support of a friendly face and ear.